So I left you with a bit of a bombshell the other day. Intentionally obviously.
You read right, with the support of my clan of crazies, yesterday I altered my face, in the shape of a nose job or Rhinoplasty if you want to get all technical.
I am not getting my nose fixed. It is not broken. It's a job lets face it, it's a huge ol' vain job. My Logic, was, whilst altering my spending habits, and clearing out my wardrobe, might as well get this out the way as well, could say I've been on a bit of mission to get things in order lately.
This could turn out to be the biggest mistake of my life or it could be the making of me. Who knows and quite frankly who cares. Own your mistakes, say yeah I fucked up but guess what, everyone does and I'm going to make the best out of a shitty situation.
Why now? Why Rhinoplasty?
Why now? Why Rhinoplasty?
I hear you say, but you're 25, doesn't body acceptance happen In your 20s? Ladies, body acceptance happens when it'll happen. At 16,26 or 36 et ceterah BUT there comes a time when something that bothers you starts to limit your activities, becoming the one always taking the photo and never in it, someone asking for and up to date photo of you and you ask if a pouty photo will do? What about an outfit shot? No? Oh well I guess I better take one... And then never taking one.
So now is the right time because I'm early enough in my career that a week off isn't that hard, all my meetings are planned for August those closest to me at work are open to taking on a bit of a my work. BUT quite frankly, at 25 I'm big enough to deal with the emotional turmoil that apparently follows altering your appearance. Let's face it when the swelling goes down who knows what I'll look like? Kate Moss hopefully but I don't think they can stretch me in surgery too.
In actual fact this is my projected side profile before and after:
Not that different? But who actually knows? I mean post swelling and bruising going down... No one can predict. I do have complete faith and trust in my surgeon, he's a perfectionist, and comes highly recommended and is BAAPS and BAPRAS approved, so I know I've picked a good one! His name is Simon Withey, and based on my initial consultation I would recommend him above and beyond all others. I booked my surgery through MyBreast (link here) I've had consultations from all sorts of surgery companies and thought these were by far the best fit for me.
I can't wait to see the after photos! I will be posting daily updates over on my Instagram page, And will be posting updates over on Twitter, and a Weekly update here every Friday, Thinking of doing a time lapse video too, but I'll take votes on that! Leave a comment if you'd like to see this whole process over with in a minute (or two).