The Mechanics of TWC
I decided to launch The Wardrobe Clinic at the end of January because January is notorious for being a bit glum. I partook in Anti-January. No resolutions, no giving up alcohol, because In the first month of the year, I would rather mourn the end of Christmas without having to mourn the loss of alcohol and chocolate at the same time.
This is how it works, practically like a constant blog sale.
Things on this blog will be marked with an Asterisk * when they’re for sale and will note the price under the photo. To purchase Email with the subject ‘for sale’ , mention the item number, your address and I will send PayPal details. Items are held for no longer than 24hrs, once sold they will be marked with a strikethrough. Items are dispatched within 5 working days and are sent 1st class recorded, price includes postage.
All proceeds will be popped into a money box, which I have to open with a tin opener to get into. This will be counted on 31.12.15, there will be polls throughout the year on what I should do with the money.